Pearl Harbor Remembrance -
When War Came to the United States - Kane County Standard 1944-12-08
When War Came to the United States - Manti Messenger 1944-12-08
When War Came to the United States - Times Independent 1944-12-07

Historic Christmases - Davis County Clipper 1927-12-16
Historic Christmases - Parowan Times 1927-12-21
Historic Christmases - Piute County 1927-12-23
Historic Christmases - Times Independent 1927-12-22
Two Historic Christmas Days - Duchesne County Newspapers 1930-12-19
Two Historic Christmas Days - Iron County Record 1930-12-10
Two Historic Christmas Days - Kane County Standard 1930-12-19
Two Historic Christmas Days - Millard County Chronicle 1930-12-11
Two Historic Christmas Days_ProvidenceCountyTimes_Dec121930

Christmas Gifts to the Nation - Davis County Clipper 1934-12-07
Christmas Gifts to the Nation - Iron County Record 1934-12-06
Christmas Gifts to the Nation - Times Independent 1934-12-06
They Helped Make Christmas a Healthier (and Happier) Time for Their Fellow-Americans - Clara Barton and Emily Bissell - Uintah Basin Record 1936-12-11
Andrew Jackson
Honoring the Memory of ''Old Hickory'' - The Duchesne Courier, 1929-12-27
Honoring the Memory of ''Old Hickory'' - Iron County Record 1929-12-25
Honoring the Memory of "Old Hickory" - Millard County Chronicle 1929-12-26
Honoring the Memory of ''Old Hickory'' - Kane County Standard 1930-01-03
Andrew Jackson and His Rachel - Davis County Clipper 1930-12-26
Andrew Jackson and His Rachel - Manti Messenger 1930-12-26
Andrew Jackson and His Rachel - Piute County 1930-12-30
Andrew Jackson and His Rachel - Garfield County 1931-01-02
Andrew Jackson, Border Captain - Davis County Clipper 1933-12-29
Andrew Jackson, Border Captain - Iron County Record 1933-12-28
Andrew Jackson, Border Captain - Times Independent 1933-12-28
Posterity Gives Jackson an Honor Bestowed Upon No Other American - Garfield County 1937-12-30
Posterity Gives Jackson an Honor Bestowed Upon No Other American - Iron County Record 1937-12-30
Posterity Gives Jackson an Honor Bestowed Upon No Other American - Times Independent 1937-12-30
Jackson and the Battle of New Orleans (January 8, 1815) to be continued